Key Facts and Statistics: Evaluating the UK’s Higher Education Landscape


Contrary to popular belief, studying and pursuing a higher degree in the UK isn’t comprised of just a British experience; it actually encompasses one of the most extensive, inclusive international experiences on the face of the Earth.

In fact, according to the Institute of International Education, the United Kingdom features the second-largest body of international scholars in the world with nearly 500,000 foreign-born students enrolled in domestic universities as of this past year.

Thus, irrespective of whether you were born in Europe, America, China, Great Britain, or any other country, it’s in your best interests to take an in-depth look at the current educational landscape in the UK, particularly if you’d like to enrich your career prospects and secure a prosperous, stress-free future.

The Pinnacle of Culture and Collegiate Instruction

Even though the United Kingdom is renowned for being a very welcoming, progressive nation, it’s worth noting that the British educational system is almost 1,000 years old, which is why it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to find out that some of the most esteemed, well-known people have attended UK universities.

From Robert Hooke and Edwin Hubble to Margaret Thatcher, Stephen Hawking, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and countless others, the list of UK alumni is seemingly endless. Let’s take a moment to examine the present-day advantages of joining a British institution:

  • The UK is ranked first in terms of student success rate with approximately 94% of graduates either working or furthering their studies within just five or six months after leaving the university in question.
  • The nation’s academic productivity rate is nearly 400% higher than the global average and 20% of the most-cited scholarly editorials on Earth come from UK researchers.
  • Almost 80% of all research submissions by UK students are categorised as world leading, which is particularly momentous when considering that there are about 2.3 million total students enrolled in UK universities.
  • One particularly important draw for international students is the fact that you are allowed to study full-time and work part-time during your stay in the UK, which is a far cry from the stringent employment codifications of the US education system.
  • Over the course of a decade, the average UK graduate will earn roughly £120,000 more than a non-graduate, regardless of whether he or she decides to stay in the United Kingdom or travel abroad for work.

Best of all, however, joining a higher education institute in the United Kingdom can be up to 50% more cost-effective than registering with one of the exorbitant colleges in the United States, which means that prospective students are able to save both time and money during their tenures.

How to Begin the Process

If you’re ready to start weighing your options with regard to higher educational opportunities, be sure visit the webpage of a trusted, sanctioned organisation that can help you with uni Clearing 2018.

You’ll have a chance to work hand in hand with a knowledgeable team of university experts to ascertain the most suitable courses, degree routes, and institutions based on your ideal career path as well as your personal financial situation.

A lucrative, noteworthy degree is finally at your fingertips so feel free to begin the application process at your earliest convenience.